Thesis Online Archiving System Using PHP

This Capstone and Thesis Online Archiving System was proposed by a fourth year Bachelor of Science in Information Technology undergraduate students as their capstone project in the academic year 2017-2018. This was proposed to enable the process of accessing data and information of past research of students in order to produce timely, reliable and accurate information.
This Capstone and Theses Online Archiving System with Integrated PREPOSTSEO: PLAGIARISM CHECKER is an online system that serves as a repository of all capstone and thesis submitted by the undergraduate students of a prestige school here in the Philippines. The said system has two operating systems namely, the capstone and theses online archiving system and the integrated existing plagiarism checker to be used by the administrator. This provides an online access to the said information stored to the community of the said school.

You can download the full source code of Thesis Online Archiving System Using PHP here. sscbc
And here’s the database.sscbcdb (2)