Online Enrollment System Thesis Source Code

Due to the demand to have a downloadable Online Enrollment System, today the wish will come true for I will be uploading an Online Enrollment System Thesis Source Code for free. This system is created using PHP and MySQLi Database with a Twitter Bootstrap framework.

The system has the following features:

To Run this project entitled Online Enrollment System Thesis Source Code, just follow the steps here

  1. Download the source code here smsupdated
  2. After extracting the downloaded file put it inside your root directory
  3. Create a Database and name it as “Ladsdb”
  4. Download the database and import it into your PHPMyAdmin  ladsdb
  5. Run the project
  6. You can only appreciate the source code if you run it by yourself
  7. To login, please use the user account given below:
Login Accounts:
Password: j