Point of Sale and Inventory System

Good Day ItsourceCoders! Today I will be sharing a Point of Sale and Inventory System Using Visual Basic 2008 with MySQL Database for the back end.

Here are the available features included in this system.

  • Barcode support
  • Inventory system
  • Point of Sales
  • Stock Master (Stock in and Stock Out of Items)
  • Item Category master
  • Different types of Reports (Daily Sales, Monthly Sales, and Remaining Sales, etc… )
  • Product inventory according to unit of measures
  • In order to appreciate the project run the source code.
Account Information:
Username: c1
Password: c1
Note: To successfully run the project, you need to create a MySQL Database.

Steps on how to set up the Point of Sales and Inventory System

  1. Open http://localhost/phpmyadmin in your browser
  2. Create a new Database and name it as “posdb”
  3. and Import the “posdb” database that can be downloaded in Step 4.
  4. Download the database here.o—>posdb (1)
  5. Download the installer here. o—>Point of Sale Installer
  6. Run the Installer
Another Note: You need crystal reports 8.5 to run the source code. If you don’t have crystal reports you can still open the source code but unable to run the reports.